North Vancouver Chamber CEO Patrick Stafford-Smith discusses Bus Rapid Transit with TransLink CEO Kevin Quinn and TransLink Mayors’ Council Executive Director Michael Buda, during the TransLink Bus Rapid Transit Conference at The Polygon Gallery on June 26.
The North Van Chamber connected with regional and global transportation leaders and learned how Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) has been successfully implemented in other parts of the world, during the TransLink Bus Rapid Transit Conference at The Polygon Gallery on June 26.
We have a long history of advocacy on North Shore transportation issues. Since 2016, the North Vancouver Chamber and associated leadership group Economic Partnership North Vancouver have led the call for action to reduce traffic congestion and efficiently connect workers from across Metro Vancouver to employers in our community.
Last fall we joined the call for a Metrotown–Park Royal BRT line and hosted a panel discussion with North Shore Connects partners, TransLink, and Quay North Urban Development. Businesses of all sizes and industries attended the event and vocalized their support for the Metrotown–Park Royal BRT as it will support staff retention, movement of goods, and more.
TransLink is currently planning for the first three BRT corridors, including Metrotown–Park Royal, and wants to hear what your priorities are for the system. Take the two-minute survey at translinklistens.ca/bus-rapid-transit-program.

City of North Vancouver Mayor Linda Buchanan addresses attendees at TransLink’s Bus Rapid Transit Conference.

CEO Patrick Stafford-Smith connects with Mt Seymour (NV Chamber member) Marketing & Sales Manager Simon Whitehead at the TransLink Bus Rapid Transit Conference.