The North Vancouver Chamber is looking for engaged and experienced business leaders to join our Board of Directors.
We are proud to serve our community by supporting strong connections, elevating business issues that matter, and celebrating local business success.We do this through a variety of services and benefits to help members promote their business, develop strong networks, and overcome obstacles to business growth.
We are seeking candidates with expertise in information technology, government policy & advocacy, and law & regulatory governance.
We currently have two vacancies without an incumbent.
Are you ready to become a community leader? Please contact the Chamber at 604-987-4488 for a nomination form.

• Each elected Director will serve a two-year term and all directors serve on at least one committee or task force and are expected to be active participants of Chamber events.
• Nominations for the 2019/2020 North Vancouver Chamber Board of Directors closes on March 29th, 2019, at 5:00 pm.
• Candidates for election shall be members of the North Vancouver Chamber in good standing; shall agree in writing to stand for election; and shall be nominated in writing by five (5) members of the Chamber in good standing.
• Ballots and election statements will be sent electronically and will be available for download on the Chamber’s website, no later than April 5th.
• Ballots shall be returned no later than 12:00pm on Election Day – April 30th, 2019.