The North Vancouver Chamber can help you find and connect with the resources to support your legal needs. From setting up your business, contracts and claims to human resources, succession planning and more.

Contact our office and we can help you make the connections you need.


Finding local LEGAL SUPPORT

Connect with local law firms to support your needs.


CORPORATE SEARCH (Filing a claim against a company or individual):

To file a claim against a company or individual, the courts will often require that a Corporate Search be performed to ensure the claim is being filed against the correct party.  We can help you with this.

A Corporate Search verifies the registered legal name, business owners and their residence address, date of incorporation, business jurisdiction, name changes, and amalgamations.

Corporate Searches can be done over the phone with a valid credit card to process payment and email address so we can forward the documentation.

Fee:  $37.80 per company found. (GST included)

If you have any questions, please contact us.