What is Shop The Shore?

Shop the Shore is a “buy-local” initiative led by the North Vancouver Chamber in partnership with the West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce to support shopping local on the north shore – from Deep Cove to Horseshoe Bay. We encourage you to put your purchasing power back into your North Shore communities and become an important part of what makes this a beautiful, diverse and vibrant home.

Why Shop Local?

Local businesses are owned and operated by your neighbours! They’re also far more likely to be champions and contributors to local groups, events and improvement initiatives. Shopping local supports the entrepreneurs and people of our community, keeps the money local and is good for the environment. When you share your love with local businesses, you give all of us an extra boost.

Top 5 Reasons to Shop The Shore

    1. Creating Neighbourhoods.

    The unique character of our local community is defined in large part by the business that reside here. Getting to know the store owners is a great reason to shop local. This plays a big factor in your overall satisfaction with where you live and the value of your neighbourhood.

    2. Jobs & Investment

    Small local businesses are the largest employers locally and across the country. Local businesses are less susceptible to national downturns and more likely to work harder to stay open. The more we support local businesses the more jobs and services we have in our local community. This provides more opportunity we all have to find convenient work to support ourselves and our families.

    3. Healthier Way to Shop.

    You are far more likely to walk or bike to your local shops. Not only is it healthier for your body, it reduces traffic. Buying local reduces our impact on the environment since we aren’t paying for the goods to be shipped to us. Local businesses are often online too, so you can shop local online.

    4. Circular Economy and Tax Base.

    When you purchase at locally owned businesses, more money is kept in the community. Local businesses often purchase from other local businesses, contractors and services. Purchasing local helps grow other businesses as well as the local tax base.

    5. Local Business Owners Invest In Community.

    Local businesses support good work in our community. They contribute more to local charities and non-profits that support the community. They are more invested in the community’s welfare and future.

What’s it all about?

When neighbours support neighbourhoods, everyone wins. Through Shop the Shore, we encourage you to do just that by making the choice to buy locally! Put your shopping money back into our North Shore communities and be an important part of what makes this beautiful, diverse place Home.

Look out for Shop the Shore

Who’s Involved?

Shop the Shore is an initiative of the North Vancouver Chamber of Commerce and the West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce with seed funding from the BC Chamber of Commerce Shop Local BC grant in conjunction with the Government of Canada.